Election 2019: Labour frontbencher Ashworth recorded slamming Corbyn’s electoral appeal

Labour’s shadow health secretary Jon Ashworth has sought to downplay a recording of him criticising Jeremy Corbyn, insisting the conversation was just “banter” between friends.
Ashworth appeared to suggest Corbyn posed a threat to national security, saying the civil service would “pretty quickly move to safeguard security” if Labour won the election. He also said Corbyn’s personal brand had hamstrung them in the campaign.
The recording, leaked to Guido Fawkes by Ashworth’s Tory activist friend, reveals the Leicester South candidate admitting Labour’s prospects are “abysmal”and “dire” in towns in the Midlands and the north of England.
“They don’t like Johnson but they can’t stand Corbyn and they think Labour’s blocked Brexit,” he is heard saying.
“It’s the combination of Corbyn and Brexit… outside of the city seats,” he says. “They can’t stand Corbyn and they think Labour’s blocked Brexit.
“I think middle-class graduates – Remainy people – Labour’s doing well among… but not in big enough numbers to deny the Tories a majority.”
Ashworth, who has since cancelled radio appearances, continues: “The question is for Labour if it gets itself a half-decent leader, next time round if it can reverse and regain its sort of traditional heartland seats.”
Ashworth, who has been touring the broadcasters this morning as Labour hammer the Tories over the plight of four-year old Jack Williment-Barr, found himself defending his own actions.
Asked about this conversation, he told the BBC it was “banter”
“I was having a bit of banter with him because he was saying ‘Oh the Tories are going to lose’, and I was saying ‘no you’re going to be fine’ – joshing as friends do.
“He’s only gone and leaked it all to a website, and he’s selectively leaked it.
“And I thought he was a friend, Grieg Baker, and obviously he’s not.”
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